Backbone (Internet Backbone)

A backbone is a large transmission line that carries data gathered from smaller lines that interconnect with it. On the Internet or other wide area network, a backbone is a set of paths that local or regional networks connect to for long-distance interconnection.

Backup Generator

An alternative source of power, in the event that the standard electrical services are interrupted. Normally, these devices deliver power on a temporary basis, and run on natural gas or diesel fuel.


The process of copying files so that they are preserved in the case of equipment failure or catastrophe. If files are damaged on the server, we resort to the backup copy to restore the files back to the machine.


The amount of data that can be transmitted in a fixed amount of time. For digital devices, the bandwidth is usually expressed in bits per second(bps) or bytes per second. Web hosting accounts usually offer bandwidth amounts in gigabytes per month.

Banner Advertising

A graphic advertising image on a web site.

Baud rate

The speed rate of a data channel - expressed as bits per second (bps) - which is usually used when referring to the speed of modems.


Bulletin Board System. An electronic message center. Most bulletin boards serve specific interest groups.


Pertaining to a number system that has just two unique digits. Computers are based on the binary numbering system, which consists of just two unique numbers, 0 and 1.


Short for binary digit, the smallest unit of information on a machine. A single bit can hold only one of two values: 0 or 1.


A test used to compare performance of hardware and/or software.


HTML tag used to enclose the body (all the text and tags) of the HTML document.


Nearly all web browsers support a bookmarking feature that lets you save the address (URL) of a web page so that you can easily revisit the page at a later time.


Short for web browser, a software application used to locate and display web pages. Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, and Apple’s Safari are the most common.


Eight bits; the fundamental unit of personal computer data.